On Saturday 5 August Hlanganani Preparatory had their Open Day. The Board of Trust and the Parent Association, represented by the Chairman Mr Zulu addressed the parents. Finances and the general management of the school were discussed. Parents were then …
Miss Rejoice Shomiso Mavhunga, a third-year student at the Medical School of Hua Zhong-University of Sciences and Technology in China, addressed Hlanganani Learners at assembly on Friday 28 July. She talked to the learners, inspiring and motivating them to reach …
Jubilee day (June 3) is drawing close. A lot of preparation is underway. One of the games scheduled for the day is “Pin the tail”. Zamekile Dlangamandla, a grade 7 learner, sketched and painted a life-like image of a donkey …
Members of Scripture Union interacted with grade 7 learners for a few hours on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday last week. Important issues such as making right decisions and relationship issues were tackled. Learners bonded well with the members and leant …
Foundation Phase had a fund – raising cake sale on Friday 12 May. Despite the rain it was well – supported. The Principal and staff would like to thank the parents for their support. Members of Scripture Union interacted with …
Names of the head boy and head girl were announced at assembly on Friday, 21 April. They are Nkanyiso Mazubane and Nothile Cele. Congratulation to these two learners. Parents, please take note that this year marks twenty – five years …
Grade four learners have been very busy this term. Animal shelters have featured in their Natural Science curriculum. Learners have been planning, designing and building their shelters. A large number of varied types of kennels have been built. Musical instruments …
At a special assembly convened on Friday 10 March learners were introduced to the 14 prefects for 2017. Prefects were given ties by the principal. The U13 and U11 girls Volleyball players were also presented their medals for their success …
Parents please take of the meeting scheduled for Saturday, 11 March at school. Please make use of this opportunity to view the children’s work and to chat with educators about their progress. Twelve grade 7 learners went on a leadership …
Hlanganani girls have proved their metal once again. Two volleyball teams from the school competed in the first tournament for the year on Saturday, 25 February at the Marburg Sports Grounds. The girls U13 and girls U11 teams both won …