On the 11th of February 2025.The Department of Education hosted the Ugu Districtathletics selection at Suid Natal High school. Amahle Magxala, Aphile Mzelemu, IyaziRubuluza, Mihle Dindi, Obuhle Mthembu, Thandolubanzi Mhlongo and Anele Ntlokoattended this event. The learners gave their all …
Last Wednesday we had a special assembly to celebrate the World reading aloud day.Miss Karen Marx and Miss Nosipho Ntobela read aloud an educational story to thelearners and they all enjoyed being part of World Read Aloud day and loved …
With everyone settled and teaching and learning taking place, we have started our Fridayclubs. This involves various clubs like chess, arts and crafts, knitting, drama and choirwhich have been formed so that learners can learn other life skills or participate …
With everyone settled and teaching and learning taking place, we have started our Fridayclubs. This involves various clubs like chess, arts and crafts, knitting, drama and choirwhich have been formed so that learners can learn other life skills or participate …
All learners are happy and enthusiastic to be back at school. We held our first assemblyfor 2025 last Friday, 17th of January 2024. Pastor Chad Broom prayed for the learners andstaff. All the learners were singing praise songs and enjoying …
2024 has been a busy and productive year at Hlanganani Preparatory School and this was evident at our Awards day, 27 November 2024, held at Norwegian Settlers Church.Learners were recognized for their academic, cultural and sporting achievements. We are very …
With exams completed, Hlanganani Preparatory School assembly last Friday thankedPastor Chad Broom and Scripture Union Yolande Phielix for giving up their time for ourlearners this year to share the Word of God with them every Wednesday and Friday.After the assembly …
Last week Wednesday the Grade 2 Reading club with Mrs Heydricks. Receivedcertificates for their hardwork and dedication.The school feels blessed to have Jané Heydricks giving her time to the Grade 2 learnerswith a reading programme. Thanks to Mrs Heydricks for …
Hlanganani Preparatory School hosted a Grade 7 farewell last Friday.The Grade 7 learners were excited as they arrived, dressed impeccably. Parents, fellowlearners and teachers shouted cheers and applauded the Grade 7s as they walked downthe red carpet. Thereafter it was …
We are very grateful to Mrs Thulile Mqadi, a social worker from Ziphakamise who visitedour school on Thursday to promote sanitary towel awareness with our grade 5-7 girls.She spoke about hygiene and body awareness and privacy.Last Friday, our Foundation Phase …