We are ready and open.
From all the staff at Hlanganani Preparatory School, we would like to thank our
learner’s and parents as we opened up this new academic year ready and eager for
the year ahead.
We are still open for enrolment for grades 2s, 4s and 6s.
Two new teachers have joined our school: Mr. Langelihle Nkomo and Ms. Tammy
Heyneke. Mr. L. Nkomo will be in the intermediate phase and Ms. T. Heyneke has
taken on the grade R class.
A big thank you to Mr. Madlala for helping supply sand and gravel to help fix our
road, it has made accessing the school more easier.
We have received a good response from the community and others for supply of
materials for the Eco bricks and helping to support this venture of ours.
With it being the month of Love Hlanganani will be celebrating a low-key Valentine’s
day this Friday the 19 th following all social distancing and covid-19 related