Foundation Phase had a fund-raising cake sale on Friday 3rd November 2023. It waswell-supported. The learners enjoyed different kinds of cakes and ice cream.The principal and staff would like to thank the parents for their support.We continue to be blessed …
Hlanganani Preparatory School had a momentous farewell for our Grade 7s last Friday (27October 23). Excitement was tangible at the school gate as the learners arrived, dressedimpeccably. Parents, fellow learners and educators shouted cheers and applauded the Grade 7sas they …
Hlanganani Preparatory School held its annual Career Day last Friday. We had a variety ofteachers, doctors, lawyers, engineers and many other vocations. Learners were eager tostart the day as they arrived at school dressed in their work outfits. The learners …
We have refurbished our library so that we can continue to encourage the love of readingas well as taking care of books. Our Library gives the learners access to the world of factsas well as fantasy. They can do research, …
School opened on Tuesday with happy faces. Everyone is starting to prepare fortheir assessments for Term 4. We are so blessed to have Mrs Jané Heydricks givingher time to our Grade 2 learners with a reading programme.We are not born …
Hlanganani Preparatory school recently celebrated Heritage Day as the school willbe closed on 24 September 2023. Heritage Day encourages all South Africans tocelebrate and honour the diversity of their cultures and traditions in the wider contextof a nation that belongs …
Last Friday, 08 September 2023, our Grade 7 learners hosted their Annual MarketDay. As part of their Economic Management Sciences curriculum, learners weretasked to display their entrepreneurial skills by selling different products for a profit.The learners and their E.M.S. teacher …
Our Grade 3 learners received their Pen Licences for their excellent writing skills. This willencourage the learners to write neatly and take pride in their work. They all worked hard forthis and were congratulated by Miss Zibuyile Xolo and Miss …
Hlanganani Preparatory School had a successful excursion on the 18 th of August 2023. Theentire school enjoyed outdoor excursions. Grades R and 1 enjoyed a treat at FiddlewoodFarm Margate, Grades 2 and 3 went to Riverbend Crocodile farm (Ramsgate). While …
On the 18th of July 2023, the school opened for Term 3 and it was lovely to seeeveryone back at school. On Tuesday, the school participated in a School andCommunity clean-up for Mandela Day by picking up the litter in …