With everyone settled and teaching and learning taking place, we have started our Friday
clubs. This involves various clubs like chess, arts and crafts, knitting, drama and choir
which have been formed so that learners can learn other life skills or participate in other
cultural activities according to their interests and potential.
Friday afternoons have been selected as activity time.
Last year the Grade 5 girls in the knitting club showed much dedication by knitting two
beautiful blankets that are yet to be donated. Besides blankets, they also knit scarfs and
woollen hats.
Soon they will embark on their next project to make blankets through
crocheting and woollen hats for babies. The school would like to thank Miss Moline
Makombe for teaching and guiding the knitting club members.
We are looking forward to the start of our swimming lessons next week with Blue Ocean
Aquatics and their coaches.
We still have space for learners who want to join the Hlanganani family.

Dlamini, Isiphile Ngobese, Esihle Ngcongo, Chiedza Chakabva, Khwezi Mkhoma,
Aphile Mzelemu, Zama Garane, Lethokuhle Madlala and Alondwe Nzama.