With exams completed, Hlanganani Preparatory School held a special assembly last Friday to award certificates to hard-working learners who showed great dedication, tremendous effort and were members of the school choir. Learners received certificates for reading, neatness, fellowship and discipline among others.
They all worked hard for this and were congratulated by staff and the principal at assembly. We took this opportunity to thank Pastor Chad Broom, Scripture Union Yolande Phielix and Jermyn Pillay from Genesis for giving up their time for our learners this year. After the assembly the learners were ready for their class parties. It was a day full of fun.

Khethiwe, Sbongakonke Mbhele, Shibe Sphumelele and Jula Lihle.
FRONT ROW FROM LEFT: Aphelele Shezi, Odwa Njiyela, Miniyenkosi Gamede and
Ngcebo Dindi.