Yolanda Gwala, Grade 7 girl at Hlanganani Preparatory School, joined the Genesis Wave of
Hope Surf Academy in the middle of last year. After only surfing for a few months, she
chosen to be part of, and represent the UGU surf team at the trials held at the SA Grom
Games, a surfing event that took place in Durban on the 20 th and 21 March.
She managed to surf in the first round, as well as the second round for the first time under
stiff competitive circumstances.
Yolanda belong to the Genesis Wave of Hope Academy that is associated with the Safe Place
project at Genesis Centre that works tirelessly with the learners of the surrounding schools.
The surf programme is run by Philani Sikobi, being both coach and mentor to these talented
young surfers, hereby making a big difference in their lives.
This associated programme offered by Safe Place, include general life skills and mentoring,
as well as encouraging to travel and to meet inspiring people.