On the 14 th of October2022, Mr Bheki Shezi who is road crossing guard, visited the school to
teach the learners how to cross the road safety. He explained to the learners that his job is
to help all learners cross the road safety. He is stationed at the robot to regulate traffic, slow
down vehicles and stop drivers from entering the crosswalk to ensure that children have
enough room to cross the road safely. As a school crossing guard, he typically performs his
duties each morning and afternoon that school is in session.
For learners to cross the road safety, they must obey and listen to the rules.
- They must know traffic light what each colour means.
- Stick to the pavement.
- Stop, look and crass.
- No running allowed.
- Listen to the road safety officer.
Instilling good road safety habits at an early age help to provide a life time of protection
from the dangers of the road. Hlanganani Preparatory likes to thank Mr Shezi from coming
to school teach the learners about road safety.

Shezi, Nhlanzeko Nyawose, Enhle Nzimande. Esethu Dladla, and Lihle Jula.
FRONT ROW FROM LEFT: Sinethemba Dube, Hlonipha Shude, Menzi Cele, Sqalo
Mkhize,Menzi Mjweni and Qiniso Ngcobo.