Hlanganani Preparatory admission for foundation phase and Grades 4 to 7 are now open.
The school is pleased to announce that an outdoor chess board is now available. Interested
learners may use it as a lunch time activity. Those keen to learn can do so by observing
experienced players during lunch times.
The school choir led by Lizanne Nair from Nowergian Settlers Church is practising for term 4.
The school choir comprises learners from grade 4 to 7.
At the same time the learners are encouraged to prioritize reading by following DEAR – Drop
Everything and Read, to prepare for their tests and activities.
Grade 4 to 7 learners are currently busy with practical activities and projects that will form
their Term 3 Marks.
PHOTO (Grade 5 Natural Sciences and Technology Formal Electrical Circuits project)